Source code for

import copy
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, to_hex

from anndata import AnnData

from cellrank import logging as logg
from cellrank._utils import Lineage
from cellrank._utils._docs import d
from cellrank._utils._utils import _unique_order_preserving, save_fig
from import _get_categorical_colors, _position_legend

__all__ = ["log_odds"]

[docs] @d.dedent def log_odds( adata: AnnData, lineage_1: str, lineage_2: Optional[str] = None, time_key: str = "exp_time", backward: bool = False, keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, threshold: Optional[Union[float, Sequence]] = None, threshold_color: str = "red", layer: Optional[str] = None, use_raw: bool = False, size: float = 2.0, cmap: str = "viridis", alpha: Optional[float] = 0.8, ncols: Optional[int] = None, fontsize: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, xticks_step_size: Optional[int] = 1, legend_loc: Optional[str] = "best", jitter: Union[bool, float] = True, seed: Optional[int] = None, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, dpi: Optional[int] = None, save: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[Union[Axes, Sequence[Axes]]]: """Plot log-odds ratio between trajectories. This plotting function is geared towards time-series datasets that have been analyzed using the :class:`~cellrank.kernels.RealTimeKernel`. It visualizes log-odd ratios between different trajectories per cell, with the option to color in certain molecular features, like genes. This can be useful to detect and visualize fate-decisive genes. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s lineage_1 The first lineage for which to compute the log-odds. lineage_2 The second lineage for which to compute the log-odds. If :obj:`None`, use the rest of the lineages. time_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` containing the experimental time. %(backward)s keys Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` or :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.var_names`. threshold Visualize whether total expression per cell is greater than ``threshold``. If a :class:`~typing.Sequence`, it should be the same length as ``keys``. threshold_color Color to use when plotting thresholded expression values. layer Which layer to use to get expression values. If :obj:`None` or ``'X'``, use :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.X`. use_raw Whether to access :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.raw`. If :obj:`True`, ``layer`` is ignored. size Size of the dots. cmap Colormap to use for continuous variables in ``keys``. alpha Alpha values for the dots. ncols Number of columns. fontsize Size of the font for the title, x- and y-label. xticks_step_size Show only every other *n-th* tick on the x-axis. If :obj:`None`, don't show any ticks. legend_loc Position of the legend. If :obj:`None`, do not show the legend. jitter Amount of jitter to apply along x-axis. seed Seed for ``jitter`` to ensure reproducibility. %(plotting)s show If `False`, return :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or a sequence of them. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:`~seaborn.stripplot`. Returns ------- %(just_plots)s If ``show = False``, returns the axes object. """ from cellrank.kernels._utils import _ensure_numeric_ordered def decorate(ax: Axes, *, title: Optional[str] = None, show_ylabel: bool = True) -> None: ax.set_xlabel(time_key, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontdict={"fontsize": fontsize}) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel if show_ylabel else "", fontsize=fontsize) if xticks_step_size is None: ax.set_xticks([]) else: step = max(1, xticks_step_size) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, n_cats, step)) ax.set_xticklabels(df[time_key].cat.categories[::step]) def cont_palette(values: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[List[str], ScalarMappable]: cm = copy.copy(plt.get_cmap(cmap)) cm.set_bad("grey") sm = ScalarMappable(cmap=cm, norm=Normalize(vmin=np.nanmin(values), vmax=np.nanmax(values))) return [to_hex(v) for v in (sm.to_rgba(values))], sm def get_data( key: str, thresh: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray], ScalarMappable]: try: _, palette = _get_categorical_colors(adata, key) df[key] = adata.obs[key].values[mask] df[key] = df[key].cat.remove_unused_categories() try: # seaborn doesn't like numeric categories df[key] = df[key].astype(float) palette = {float(k): v for k, v in palette.items()} except ValueError: pass # otherwise seaborn plots all palette = {k: palette[k] for k in df[key].unique()} hue, thresh_mask, sm = key, None, None except TypeError: # not a categorical palette, hue, thresh_mask, sm = ( cont_palette(adata.obs[key].values[mask])[0], None, None, None, ) except KeyError: # unable to find data in `adata.obs`, try res try: # fmt: off if thresh is None: values = adata.raw.obs_vector(key) if use_raw else adata.obs_vector(key, layer=layer) palette, sm = cont_palette(values) hue, thresh_mask = None, None else: if use_raw: values = np.asarray(adata.raw[:, key].X[mask].sum(1)).squeeze() elif layer not in (None, "X"): values = np.asarray(adata[:, key].layers[layer][mask].sum(1)).squeeze() else: values = np.asarray(adata[:, key].X[mask].sum(1)).squeeze() thresh_mask = values > thresh hue, palette, sm = None, None, None # fmt: on except KeyError as e: raise e from None return hue, palette, thresh_mask, sm np.random.seed(seed) # noqa: NPY002 _ = kwargs.pop("orient", None) if use_raw and adata.raw is None: logg.warning("No raw attribute set. Setting `use_raw=False`") use_raw = False probs = Lineage.from_adata(adata, backward=backward) time = _ensure_numeric_ordered(adata, time_key) order =[:: -1 if backward else 1] fate1 = probs[lineage_1].X.squeeze(-1) if lineage_2 is None: fate2 = 1 - fate1 ylabel = rf"$\log{{\frac{{{lineage_1}}}{{rest}}}}$" else: fate2 = probs[lineage_2].X.squeeze(-1) ylabel = rf"$\log{{\frac{{{lineage_1}}}{{{lineage_2}}}}}$" # fmt: off df = pd.DataFrame( { "log_odds": np.log(np.divide(fate1, fate2, where=fate2 != 0, out=np.zeros_like(fate1)) + 1e-12), time_key: time, } ) mask = (fate1 != 0) & (fate2 != 0) df = df[mask] n_cats = len(df[time_key].cat.categories) # fmt: on if keys is None: if figsize is None: figsize = np.array([n_cats, n_cats * 4 / 6]) / 2 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, tight_layout=True) ax = sns.stripplot( x=time_key, y="log_odds", data=df, order=order, jitter=jitter, color="k", size=size, ax=ax, **kwargs, ) decorate(ax) if save is not None: save_fig(fig, save) return None if show else ax if isinstance(keys, str): keys = (keys,) if not len(keys): raise ValueError("No keys have been selected.") keys = _unique_order_preserving(keys) if not isinstance(threshold, Iterable): threshold = (threshold,) * len(keys) if len(threshold) != len(keys): raise ValueError(f"Expected `threshold` to be of length `{len(keys)}`, found `{len(threshold)}`.") ncols = max(len(keys) if ncols is None else ncols, 1) nrows = int(np.ceil(len(keys) / ncols)) if figsize is None: figsize = np.array([n_cats * ncols, n_cats * nrows * 4 / 6]) / 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, constrained_layout=True, sharey="all", ) axes = np.ravel([axes]) i = 0 for i, (key, ax, thresh) in enumerate(zip(keys, axes, threshold)): hue, palette, thresh_mask, sm = get_data(key, thresh) show_ylabel = i % ncols == 0 ax = sns.stripplot( x=time_key, y="log_odds", data=df if thresh_mask is None else df[~thresh_mask], hue=hue, order=order, jitter=jitter, color="black", palette=palette, size=size, alpha=alpha if alpha is not None else None if thresh_mask is None else 0.8, ax=ax, **kwargs, ) if thresh_mask is not None: sns.stripplot( x=time_key, y="log_odds", data=df if thresh_mask is None else df[thresh_mask], hue=hue, order=order, jitter=jitter, color=threshold_color, palette=palette, size=size * 2, alpha=0.9, ax=ax, **kwargs, ) key = rf"${key} > {thresh}$" if sm is not None: cax = ax.inset_axes([1.02, 0, 0.025, 1], transform=ax.transAxes) fig.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, cax=cax) else: if legend_loc in (None, "none"): legend = ax.get_legend() if legend is not None: legend.remove() else: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if len(handles): _position_legend(ax, legend_loc=legend_loc, handles=handles, labels=labels) decorate(ax, title=key, show_ylabel=show_ylabel) for ax in axes[i + 1 :]: ax.remove() axes = axes[: i + 1] if save is not None: save_fig(fig, save) return None if show else axes[0] if len(axes) == 1 else axes