Source code for cellrank.datasets

import enum
import os
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Literal, Tuple, Union

from anndata import AnnData
from scanpy import read

from cellrank import logging as logg
from cellrank._utils._docs import d, inject_docs
from cellrank._utils._enum import ModeEnum

__all__ = [

class ReprogrammingSubset(ModeEnum):
    FULL =
    K48 = "48k"
    K85 = "85k"

# fmt: off
_datasets = {
    "pancreas": ("", (2531, 27998)),
    "pancreas_preprocessed": ("", (2531, 2000)),
    "pancreas_preprocessed_vk": ("", (2531, 5974)),
    "lung": ("", (24882, 24051)),
    "reprogramming_morris": ("", (104679, 22630)),
    "zebrafish": ("", (2434, 23974)),
    "reprogramming_schiebinger": ("", (236285, 19089)),
    "reprogramming_schiebinger_serum_subset": ("", (165892, 19089)),
    "bone_marrow": ("", (5780, 27876)),
# fmt: on

def _load_dataset_from_url(
    fpath: Union[str, pathlib.Path], url: str, expected_shape: Tuple[int, int], **kwargs: Any
) -> AnnData:
    fpath = str(fpath)
    if not fpath.endswith(".h5ad"):
        fpath += ".h5ad"

    if os.path.isfile(fpath):
        logg.debug(f"Loading dataset from `{fpath!r}`")
        logg.debug(f"Downloading dataset from `{url!r}` as `{fpath!r}`")

    dirname, _ = os.path.split(fpath)
        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
            logg.debug(f"Creating directory `{dirname!r}`")
            os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
    except OSError as e:
        logg.debug(f"Unable to create directory `{dirname!r}`. Reason `{e}`")

    kwargs.setdefault("sparse", True)
    kwargs.setdefault("cache", True)

    adata = read(fpath, backup_url=url, **kwargs)

    if adata.shape != expected_shape:
        raise ValueError(f"Expected `anndata.AnnData` object to have shape `{expected_shape}`, found `{adata.shape}`.")


    return adata

[docs] def pancreas( path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = "datasets/endocrinogenesis_day15.5.h5ad", kind: Literal["raw", "preprocessed", "preprocessed-kernel"] = "raw", **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Development of the murine pancreas at E15.5 from :cite:`bastidas-ponce:19`. scRNA-seq dataset containing 2531 cells recorded using 10x Chromium in a single time point. Data was filtered to remove heavily cycling populations and to focus on the late stages of endocrinogenesis. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the dataset. kind What kind of dataset to download. Valid option are: - ``'raw'`` - contains raw spliced and unspliced count data, low-dimensional embedding coordinates as well as original cluster annotations. - ``'preprocessed'`` - same as above, but additionally genes have been filtered to contain at least 20 unspliced and spliced counts and subsetted to the top 2000 highly variable genes. Data has been normalized by total counts and log-transformed. - ``'preprocessed-kernel'`` - same as above, but additionally a cell-cell transition matrix has been computed using the :class:`~cellrank.kernels.VelocityKernel`. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ path, ext = os.path.splitext(path) path = f"{path}_{kind}{ext}" if kind == "raw": return _load_dataset_from_url(path, *_datasets["pancreas"], **kwargs) if kind == "preprocessed": return _load_dataset_from_url(path, *_datasets["pancreas_preprocessed"], **kwargs) if kind == "preprocessed-kernel": return _load_dataset_from_url(path, *_datasets["pancreas_preprocessed_vk"], **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset kind `{kind!r}`.")
[docs] def lung( path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = "datasets/lung_regeneration.h5ad", **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Regeneration of murine lung epithelial cells at 13 time points from :cite:`strunz:20`. sc-RNA-seq dataset comprising `24 051` cells recorded using Drop-seq :cite:`macosko:15` at 13 time points spanning days 2-15 past lung bleomycin injury. Data was filtered to remove control cells as well as later time points which are more spaced out. We wanted to focus on the densely sampled days when RNA velocity :cite:`manno:18,bergen:20` can be used to predict the future cellular state. Contains raw spliced and unspliced count data, low-dimensional embedding coordinates as well as original cluster annotations. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the dataset. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ return _load_dataset_from_url(path, *_datasets["lung"], **kwargs)
[docs] @inject_docs(s=ReprogrammingSubset) @d.dedent def reprogramming_morris( path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = "datasets/reprogramming_morris.h5ad", subset: Literal["full", "48k", "85k"] = ReprogrammingSubset.FULL, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts to induced endoderm progenitors from :cite:`morris:18`. sc-RNA-seq dataset comprising `104 887` cell recorded using 10X Chromium and Drop-seq :cite:`macosko:15` at 8 time points spanning days 0-28 past reprogramming initiation. Contains raw spliced and unspliced count data, low-dimensional embedding coordinates as well as clonal information from CellTagging :cite:`morris:18`. Moreover, it contains the following :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` annotations: - ``'reprogramming_day'`` - time-point information. - ``'reprogramming'`` - whether this clone is enriched for cells from successfully reprogrammed populations. - ``'CellTagDN_XXk'`` - CellTag from day `N` from the `XXk` cells ``subset``. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the dataset. subset Whether to return the full object or just a subset. Can be one of: - ``{s.FULL!r}`` - return the complete dataset containing `104 887` cells. - ``{s.K85!r}`` - return the subset as described in :cite:`morris:18` Fig. 1, containing `85 010` cells. - ``{s.K48!r}`` - return the subset as described in :cite:`morris:18` Fig. 3, containing `48 515` cells. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. Notes ----- The dataset has approximately 1.5GiB and the subsetting is performed locally after the full download. """ subset = ReprogrammingSubset(subset) adata = _load_dataset_from_url(path, *_datasets["reprogramming_morris"], **kwargs) if subset == ReprogrammingSubset.FULL: return adata if subset == ReprogrammingSubset.K48: return adata[~adata.obs["cluster"].isnull()].copy() if subset == ReprogrammingSubset.K85: return adata[~adata.obs["timecourse"].isnull()].copy() raise NotImplementedError(f"Subsetting option `{subset!r}` is not yet implemented.")
[docs] @d.dedent def reprogramming_schiebinger( path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = "datasets/reprogramming_schiebinger.h5ad", subset_to_serum: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells from :cite:`schiebinger:19`. sc-RNA-seq dataset comprising `236 285` cell recorded using 10X Chromium at 39 time points spanning days 0-18 past reprogramming initiation. Contains total-counts normalized, log-transformed counts and low-dimensional embedding coordinates (force-directed). Moreover, it contains the following :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` annotations: - ``'day'`` - time-point information. - ``'serum'``/``'2i'`` - whether this cell comes from the serum/2i condition. - ``'cell_sets'`` - cluster labels. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the dataset. subset_to_serum Whether to return the full object or subsetted to the serum condition. This subset also contains the pre-computed transition matrix. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. Notes ----- The full dataset has approximately 1.4GiB. """ if subset_to_serum: key = "reprogramming_schiebinger_serum_subset" path, ext = os.path.splitext(path) path = f"{path}_serum{ext}" else: key = "reprogramming_schiebinger" return _load_dataset_from_url(path, *_datasets[key], **kwargs)
[docs] @d.dedent def zebrafish( path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = "datasets/zebrafish.h5ad", **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Zebrafish embryogenesis assayed using drop-seq from :cite:`farrell:18`. sc-RNA-seq time-series dataset, restricted to the axial mesoderm lineage, comprising of `2434` cells which contains 12 time-points spanning 3.3-12 hours past fertilization. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the dataset. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ return _load_dataset_from_url(path, *_datasets["zebrafish"], **kwargs)
[docs] @d.dedent def bone_marrow( path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = "datasets/bone_marrow.h5ad", **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """sc-RNA-seq dataset early human hematopoiesis (CD34+ bone marrow cells) assayed using 10X Chromium. This dataset contains raw spliced and unspliced counts estimated using *velocyto* :cite:`manno:18`. Furthermore, the dataset also contains a precomputed *Palantir* pseudotime :cite:`setty:19`. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the dataset. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ return _load_dataset_from_url(path, *_datasets["bone_marrow"], **kwargs)