Source code for cellrank.estimators._base_estimator

import abc
import contextlib
import copy as copy_
import inspect
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sp

from anndata import AnnData

from cellrank._utils._docs import d
from cellrank._utils._key import Key
from cellrank._utils._lineage import Lineage
from cellrank.estimators.mixins import KernelMixin
from cellrank.kernels import PrecomputedKernel
from cellrank.kernels._base_kernel import KernelExpression
from cellrank.kernels.mixins import AnnDataMixin, IOMixin

__all__ = ["BaseEstimator"]

Attr_t = (Literal["X", "raw", "layers", "obs", "var", "obsm", "varm", "obsp", "varp", "uns"],)

[docs] @d.get_sections(base="base_estimator", sections=["Parameters"]) class BaseEstimator(IOMixin, KernelMixin, AnnDataMixin, abc.ABC): """Base class for all estimators. Parameters ---------- object Can be one of the following types: - :class:`~anndata.AnnData` - annotated data object. - :class:`~scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` - row-normalized transition matrix. - :class:`~cellrank.kernels.KernelExpression` - kernel expression. - :class:`str` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obsp` where the transition matrix is stored and ``adata`` must be provided in this case. - :class:`bool` - directionality of the transition matrix that will be used to infer its storage location. If :obj:`None`, the directionality will be determined automatically and ``adata`` must be provided in this case. kwargs Keyword arguments for the :class:`~cellrank.kernels.PrecomputedKernel`. """ def __init__( self, object: Union[str, bool, np.ndarray, sp.spmatrix, AnnData, KernelExpression], **kwargs: Any, ): if isinstance(object, KernelExpression): if object.transition_matrix is None: raise RuntimeError("Compute transition matrix first as `.compute_transition_matrix()`.") else: object = PrecomputedKernel(object, copy=False, **kwargs) super().__init__(kernel=object) self._params: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._shadow_adata = AnnData( X=sp.csr_matrix(self.adata.shape, dtype=self.adata.X.dtype), obs=self.adata.obs[[]].copy(), var=self.adata.var[[]].copy(), raw=None if self.adata.raw is None else self.adata.raw.to_adata(), ) def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any): super().__init_subclass__()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fit(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "BaseEstimator": """Fit the estimator. Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments. kwargs Keyword arguments. Returns ------- Self. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def predict(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "BaseEstimator": """Run the prediction. Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments. kwargs Keyword arguments. Returns ------- Self. """
def _set( self, attr: Optional[str] = None, obj: Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, Lineage, AnnData, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, copy: bool = True, shadow_only: bool = False, ) -> None: """Set an attribute and optionally update ``obj['{key}']``. Parameters ---------- attr Attribute to set. Only updated when we're not in the shadow. If :obj:`None`, don't update anything. See :attr:`_in_shadow` and ``obj`` for more information. obj Object which to update with ``value`` alongside the ``attr``. Usually, an attribute of :attr:`adata` is passed here. key Key in ``obj`` to update with ``value``. Only used when ``obj != None``. value Value to set. If :obj:`None` and ``key != None``, it removes the values under ``obj['{key}']``, if present. copy Whether to copy the ``value`` before setting it in ``obj``. shadow_only Whether to update the ``obj`` if we are not in the shadow. Returns ------- Nothing, just optionally updates ``attr`` and/or ``obj[{key}]``. Raises ------ AttributeError If ``attr`` doesn't exist. """ if not self._in_shadow: if attr is not None: if not hasattr(self, attr): raise AttributeError(attr) setattr(self, attr, value) if shadow_only: return if obj is None: return if key is not None: if value is None: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): del obj[key] else: obj[key] = copy_.copy(value) if copy else value def _get( self, *, obj: Union[pd.DataFrame, Mapping[str, Any]], key: str, shadow_attr: Optional[Literal["obs", "obsm", "var", "varm", "uns"]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[type, Tuple[type, ...]]] = None, copy: bool = True, allow_missing: bool = False, ) -> Any: """Get data from an object and set an attribute. Parameters ---------- obj Object from which to extract the data. key Key in ``obj`` where the data is stored. shadow_attr Attribute of :attr:`_shadow_adata` where to save the extracted data. If :obj:`None`, don't update it. dtype Valid type(s) of the extracted data. copy Copy the data before setting the ``self_attr``. allow_missing Whether to allow ``key`` to be missing in ``obj``. Returns ------- The extracted values and optionally updates :attr:`_shadow_adata` ``.{shadow_attr}``. Raises ------ AttributeError If ``attr`` doesn't exist. TypeError If ``dtype != None`` and the extracted values are not instances of ``dtype``. KeyError If ``allow_missing = False`` and ``key`` was not found in ``obj``. """ if shadow_attr is not None and not hasattr(self._shadow_adata, shadow_attr): raise AttributeError(shadow_attr) try: data = obj[key] if dtype is not None and not isinstance(data, dtype): raise TypeError(f"Expected object to be of type `{dtype}`, found `{type(data).__name__}`.") if copy: data = copy_.copy(data) if shadow_attr is not None: getattr(self._shadow_adata, shadow_attr)[key] = data return data except KeyError: if not allow_missing: raise return None @property @contextlib.contextmanager def _shadow(self) -> None: """Temporarily set :attr:`adata` to :attr:`_shadow_adata`. Used to construct the serialization object in :meth:`to_adata`. """ if self._in_shadow: yield else: adata = self.adata try: self.adata = self._shadow_adata yield finally: self.adata = adata @property def _in_shadow(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if :attr:`adata` is :attr:`_shadow_adata`.""" return self.adata is self._shadow_adata def _create_params( self, locs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, func: Optional[Callable] = None, remove: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create parameters of interest from a function call. Parameters ---------- locs Environment from which to get the parameters. If `None`, get the caller's environment. func Function of interest. If :obj:`None`, use the caller. remove Keys in ``locs`` which should not be included in the result. Returns ------- The parameters as a :class:`dict`. Notes ----- *args/**kwargs are always ignored and the values in ``locs`` are not copied. """ frame = inspect.currentframe() try: if locs is None: locs = frame.f_back.f_locals if func is None: name = frame.f_back.f_code.co_name func = dict(inspect.getmembers(self)).get(name, None) if not callable(func): raise TypeError(f"Expected `func` to be `callable`, found `{type(func).__name__}`.") params = {} for name, param in inspect.signature(func).parameters.items(): if param.kind in (inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD): continue if name in remove: continue if name in locs: params[name] = locs[name] return params except AttributeError: # frame can be None return {} except TypeError: return {} finally: del frame def _read_params(self, key: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Read ``key`` from estimator params in :attr:`adata`. Usually called in :meth:`_read_adata` during :meth:`from_adata`. """ ekey = Key.uns.estimator(self.backward) + "_params" return dict(self.adata.uns.get(ekey, {}).get(key, {}))
[docs] @d.dedent def to_adata( self, keep: Union[Literal["all"], Sequence[Attr_t]] = ("X", "raw"), *, copy: Union[bool, Sequence[Attr_t]] = True, ) -> AnnData: """%(to_adata.full_desc)s Parameters ---------- keep Which attributes to keep from the underlying :attr:`adata`. Valid options are: - ``'all'`` - keep all attributes specified in the signature. - :class:`~typing.Sequence` - keep only subset of these attributes. - :class:`dict` - the keys correspond the attribute names and values to a subset of keys which to keep from this attribute. If the values are specified either as :obj:`True` or ``'all'``, everything from this attribute will be kept. copy Whether to copy the data. Can be specified on per-attribute basis. Useful for attributes that are array-like. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ # noqa: D400 def handle_attribute(attr: Attr_t, keys: List[str], *, copy: bool) -> None: try: if attr == "X": adata.X = copy_.deepcopy(self.adata.X) if copy else self.adata.X return if attr == "raw": adata.raw = self.adata.raw.to_adata() if self.adata.raw is not None else None return old = getattr(self.adata, attr) new = getattr(adata, attr) if keys == ["all"]: keys = list(old.keys()) # fmt: off if isinstance(new, pd.DataFrame): old = old[keys] # avoid duplicates old = old[old.columns.difference(new.columns)] setattr(adata, attr, pd.merge(new, old, how="inner", left_index=True, right_index=True, copy=copy)) elif isinstance(new, Mapping): old = {k: old[k] for k in keys} # old has preference, since it's user supplied setattr(adata, attr, {**new, **(copy_.deepcopy(old) if copy else old)}) else: raise TypeError(f"Expected `adata.{attr}` to be either `Mapping` or `pandas. DataFrame`, " f"found `{type(new).__name__}`.") # fmt: on except KeyError: missing = sorted(k for k in keys if k not in old) raise KeyError(f"Unable to find key(s) `{missing}` in `adata.{attr}`.") from None adata = self._shadow_adata.copy() _adata = self.adata try: # kernel and estimator share the adata self.adata = adata self.kernel.write_to_adata() finally: self.adata = _adata key = Key.uns.estimator(self.backward) + "_params" adata.uns[key] = copy_.deepcopy(self.params) # fmt: off if isinstance(keep, str): if keep == "all": keep = ["X", "raw", "layers", "obs", "var", "obsm", "varm", "obsp", "varp", "uns"] else: keep = [keep] if not isinstance(keep, Mapping): keep = {attr: True for attr in keep} if isinstance(copy, bool): copy = {attr: copy for attr in keep} elif isinstance(copy, str): copy = [copy] if not isinstance(copy, Mapping): copy = {attr: True for attr in copy} # fmt: on for attr, keys in keep.items(): if keys is True: keys = ["all"] elif isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] if keys is False or not len(keys): continue handle_attribute(attr, keys=list(keys), copy=copy.get(attr, False)) return adata
[docs] @classmethod @d.dedent def from_adata(cls, adata: AnnData, obsp_key: str) -> "BaseEstimator": """%(from_adata.full_desc)s Parameters ---------- %(adata)s obsp_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obsp` where the transition matrix is stored. Returns ------- %(from_adata.returns)s """ # noqa: D400 return super().from_adata(adata, obsp_key=obsp_key)
[docs] @d.dedent def copy(self, *, deep: bool = False) -> "BaseEstimator": """Return a copy of self. Parameters ---------- deep Whether to return a deep copy or not. If :obj:`True`, this also copies the :attr:`adata`. Returns ------- A copy of self. """ k = copy_.deepcopy(self.kernel) if deep else copy_.copy(self.kernel) res = type(self)(k) for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, Mapping): res.__dict__[k] = copy_.deepcopy(v) elif k != "_kernel": res.__dict__[k] = copy_.deepcopy(v) if deep else copy_.copy(v) return res
def __copy__(self) -> "BaseEstimator": return self.copy(deep=False) def _format_params(self) -> str: return f"kernel={self.kernel!s}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[{self._format_params()}]" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self) @property def params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Estimator parameters.""" return self._params