Source code for cellrank.kernels._real_time_kernel

import itertools
import os
import pathlib
import types
from import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, Optional, Union

from import tqdm

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sp
from pandas.api.types import infer_dtype

import scanpy as sc
from anndata import AnnData

from cellrank import logging as logg
from cellrank._utils._docs import d, inject_docs
from cellrank._utils._enum import ModeEnum
from cellrank._utils._utils import _normalize
from cellrank.kernels._base_kernel import UnidirectionalKernel
from cellrank.settings import settings

__all__ = ["RealTimeKernel"]

    from moscot.problems.spatiotemporal import SpatioTemporalProblem
    from moscot.problems.time import LineageProblem, TemporalProblem

class SelfTransitions(ModeEnum):
    UNIFORM = "uniform"
    DIAGONAL = "diagonal"
    CONNECTIVITIES = "connectivities"
    ALL = "all"

Key_t = tuple[Any, Any]
Threshold_t = Union[int, float, Literal["auto", "auto_local"]]
Coupling_t = Union[np.ndarray, sp.spmatrix, AnnData]

# TODO(michalk8): subclass the `ExperimentalTimeKernel`
[docs] @d.dedent class RealTimeKernel(UnidirectionalKernel): """Kernel which computes transition matrix using optimal transport couplings. .. seealso:: - See :doc:`../../../notebooks/tutorials/kernels/500_real_time` on how to compute the :attr:`~cellrank.kernels.RealTimeKernel.transition_matrix` between experimental time points using `optimal transport <>`_. This class should be constructed using either: 1. the :meth:`from_moscot` or :meth:`from_wot` method, 2. explicitly passing the pre-computed couplings, or 3. overriding the :meth:`compute_coupling` method. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. time_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` containing the experimental time. couplings Pre-computed transport couplings. The keys should correspond to a :class:`tuple` of categories from the :attr:`time`. If :obj:`None`, the keys will be constructed using the ``policy`` and the :meth:`compute_coupling` method must be overriden. policy How to construct the keys from the :attr:`time` when ``couplings = None``: - ``policy = 'sequential'`` - the keys will be set to ``[(t1, t2), (t2, t3), ...]``. - ``policy = 'triu'`` - the keys will be set to ``[(t1, t2), (t1, t3), ..., (t2, t3), ...]``. kwargs Keyword arguments for the :class:`~cellrank.kernels.Kernel`. """ def __init__( self, adata: AnnData, time_key: str, couplings: Optional[Mapping[Key_t, Optional[Coupling_t]]] = None, policy: Literal["sequential", "triu"] = "sequential", **kwargs: Any, ): super().__init__(adata, time_key=time_key, **kwargs) self._obs: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None self._couplings, self._reference = self._get_default_coupling(couplings, policy) def _read_from_adata( self, time_key: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super()._read_from_adata(**kwargs) self._time = self.adata.obs[time_key].copy() if not isinstance(self._time.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype): raise TypeError(f"Expected `adata.obs[{time_key!r}]` to be categorical, found `{infer_dtype(self._time)}`.") self._time = cats = self._time_to_ix = dict(zip(cats, range(len(cats))))
[docs] def compute_coupling(self, src: Any, tgt: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Coupling_t: """Compute coupling for a given time pair. .. note:: This implementation only looks up the values in :attr:`couplings`, see :meth:`from_moscot` or :meth:`from_wot` on how to initialize them. Parameters ---------- src Source key in :attr:`time`. tgt Target key in :attr:`time`. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- Array of shape ``(n_source_cells, n_target_cells)``. """ del kwargs if (src, tgt) not in self.couplings: raise KeyError(f"Key `{src, tgt}` not found in the `couplings`.") if self.couplings[src, tgt] is None: raise ValueError( f"Coupling for `{src, tgt}` is not computed. " f"Consider overriding the `compute_coupling` method." ) return self.couplings[src, tgt]
[docs] @inject_docs(st=SelfTransitions) def compute_transition_matrix( self, threshold: Optional[Threshold_t] = "auto", self_transitions: Union[ Literal["uniform", "diagonal", "connectivities", "all"], Sequence[Any], ] = SelfTransitions.CONNECTIVITIES, conn_weight: Optional[float] = None, conn_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), **kwargs: Any, ) -> "RealTimeKernel": """Compute transition matrix from optimal transport couplings. Parameters ---------- threshold How to remove small non-zero values from the transition matrix. Valid options are: - ``'auto'`` - find the maximum threshold value which will not remove every non-zero value from any row. - ``'auto_local'`` - same as above, but done for each transport separately. - :class:`float` - value in :math:`[0, 100]` corresponding to a percentage of non-zeros to remove in the couplings. Rows where all values are removed will have a uniform distribution and a warning will be issued. self_transitions How to define transitions within the blocks that correspond to transitions within the same key. Valid options are: - ``{st.UNIFORM!r}`` - row-normalized matrix of :math:`1`. - ``{st.DIAGONAL!r}`` - identity matrix. - ``{st.CONNECTIVITIES!r}`` - transition matrix from the :class:`~cellrank.kernels.ConnectivityKernel`. - :class:`~typing.Sequence`` - sequence of source keys defining which blocks should be weighted by the connectivities. - ``{st.ALL!r}`` - same as above, but for all keys. The first 3 options are applied to the block specified by the :attr:`reference`. conn_weight Weight of connectivities' self transitions. Only used when ``self_transitions = {st.ALL!r}`` or a sequence of source keys is passed. conn_kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:`~scanpy.pp.neighbors` or :meth:`~cellrank.kernels.ConnectivityKernel.compute_transition_matrix` when using ``self_transitions = 'connectivities'``. kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`compute_coupling`. Returns ------- Returns self and updates :attr:`transition_matrix`, :attr:`couplings` and :attr:`params`. """ cache_params = dict(kwargs) cache_params["threshold"] = threshold cache_params["self_transitions"] = str(self_transitions) if self._reuse_cache(cache_params): return self if (self_transitions == "all" or isinstance(self_transitions, (tuple, list))) and ( conn_weight is None or not (0 < conn_weight < 1) ): raise ValueError(f"Expected `conn_weight` to be in interval `(0, 1)`, found `{conn_weight}`.") for src, tgt in tqdm(self._couplings, unit="time pair"): coupling = self.compute_coupling(src, tgt, **kwargs) self.couplings[src, tgt] = self._coupling_to_adata(src, tgt, coupling) if threshold is not None: self._sparsify_couplings(self.couplings, threshold=threshold, copy=False) tmap = self._restich_couplings( self.couplings, self_transitions=self_transitions, conn_weight=conn_weight, **conn_kwargs, ) self.transition_matrix = tmap.X self._obs = tmap.obs return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_moscot( cls, problem: "Union[TemporalProblem, LineageProblem, SpatioTemporalProblem]", sparse_mode: Optional[Literal["threshold", "percentile", "min_row"]] = None, sparsify_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), copy: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "RealTimeKernel": """Construct the kernel from :mod:`moscot` :cite:`klein:23`. Parameters ---------- problem :mod:`moscot` problem. sparse_mode Sparsification mode for :meth:`~moscot.base.output.BaseSolverOutput.sparsify`. If :obj:`None`, do not sparsify the outputs. Note that :meth:`compute_transition_matrix` can also sparsify the final :attr:`transition_matrix`. sparsify_kwargs Keyword arguments for the sparsification. copy Whether to copy the underlying arrays. Note that :class:`jax arrays <jax.Array>` are always copied. kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:`~cellrank.kernels.RealTimeKernel`. Returns ------- The kernel. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import moscot as mt import cellrank as cr adata = mt.datasets.hspc() adata.obs["day"] = adata.obs["day"].astype("category") problem = mt.problems.TemporalProblem(adata) problem = problem.prepare(time_key="day").solve() rtk = cr.kernels.RealTimeKernel.from_moscot(problem) rtk = rtk.compute_transition_matrix() """ from moscot.utils.subset_policy import SequentialPolicy, TriangularPolicy if not raise RuntimeError("Problem contains no solutions. Please run `problem.solve(...)` first.") policy = problem._policy if isinstance(policy, SequentialPolicy): policy = "sequential" elif isinstance(policy, TriangularPolicy): policy = "triu" else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Handling `{type(policy)}` policy is not yet implemented.") couplings = {} for (t1, t2), solution in adata_src = problem[t1, t2].adata_src adata_tgt = problem[t1, t2].adata_tgt if sparse_mode is not None: solution = solution.sparsify(mode=sparse_mode, **sparsify_kwargs) coupling = solution.transport_matrix if not (isinstance(coupling, np.ndarray) or sp.issparse(coupling)): # convert from, e.g., `jax` # we always copy because otherwise the array is read-only and we may sparsify coupling = np.array(coupling, copy=True) elif copy: coupling = coupling.copy() couplings[t1, t2] = AnnData(coupling, obs=adata_src.obs, var=adata_tgt.obs) return cls( problem.adata, couplings=couplings, time_key=problem.temporal_key, policy=policy, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_wot( cls, adata: AnnData, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], time_key: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "RealTimeKernel": """Construct the kernel from Waddington-OT :cite:`schiebinger:19`. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. path Directory where the couplings are stored. time_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` containing the experimental time. kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:`~cellrank.kernels.RealTimeKernel`. Returns ------- The kernel. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import wot import cellrank as cr adata = cr.datasets.reprogramming_schiebinger(subset_to_serum=True) adata.obs["day"] = adata.obs["day"].astype(float).astype("category") ot_model = wot.ot.OTModel(adata, day_field="day") ot_model.compute_all_transport_maps(tmap_out="tmaps/") rtk = cr.kernels.RealTimeKernel.from_wot(adata, path="tmaps/", time_key="day") rtk = rtk.compute_transition_matrix() """ path = pathlib.Path(path) dtype = type(adata.obs[time_key].iloc[0]) couplings = {} for fname in path.glob("*h5ad"): name, _ = os.path.splitext(fname) *_, src, tgt = name.split("_") couplings[dtype(src), dtype(tgt)] = return cls(adata, couplings=couplings, time_key=time_key, policy="sequential", **kwargs)
@d.dedent def _restich_couplings( self, couplings: Mapping[Key_t, AnnData], self_transitions: Union[str, SelfTransitions, Sequence[Any]] = SelfTransitions.DIAGONAL, conn_weight: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: """Group individual transport maps into 1 matrix aligned with :attr:`adata`. Parameters ---------- couplings Optimal transport couplings. self_transitions How to define transitions within the blocks that correspond to transitions within the same key. conn_weight Weight of connectivities' self transitions. Only used when ``self_transitions = {st.ALL!r}`` or a sequence of source keys is passed. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:`~scanpy.pp.neighbors` or :meth:`~cellrank.kernels.ConnectivityKernel.compute_transition_matrix` when using ``self_transitions = 'connectivities'``. Returns ------- Merged transport maps into one :class:`~anndata.AnnData` object. """ if isinstance(self_transitions, (str, SelfTransitions)): self_transitions = SelfTransitions(self_transitions) if self_transitions == SelfTransitions.ALL: self_transitions = tuple(src for (src, _) in couplings) elif isinstance(self_transitions, Iterable): self_transitions = tuple(self_transitions) else: raise TypeError( f"Expected `self_transitions` to be a `str` or a `Sequence`, " f"found `{type(self_transitions)}`." ) self._validate_couplings(couplings) conn_kwargs = dict(kwargs) conn_kwargs["copy"] = False _ = conn_kwargs.pop("key_added", None) obs_names, obs = {}, {} blocks = [[None] * (len(self._time_to_ix)) for _ in range(len(self._time_to_ix))] for (src, tgt), coupling in couplings.items(): src_ix = self._time_to_ix[src] tgt_ix = self._time_to_ix[tgt] blocks[src_ix][tgt_ix] = coupling.X obs_names[src_ix] = coupling.obs_names obs[src_ix] = coupling.obs # to prevent blocks from disappearing n = np.sum(self._time == src) blocks[src_ix][src_ix] = sp.spdiags([0] * n, 0, n, n) if tgt == self._reference: obs_names[tgt_ix] = coupling.var_names # if policy='sequential', reference is the last key ref_ix = self._time_to_ix[self._reference] ref_mask = self._time == self._reference n = int(np.sum(ref_mask)) if self_transitions == SelfTransitions.DIAGONAL: blocks[ref_ix][ref_ix] = sp.spdiags([1] * n, 0, n, n) elif self_transitions == SelfTransitions.UNIFORM: blocks[ref_ix][ref_ix] = np.ones((n, n)) / float(n) elif self_transitions == SelfTransitions.CONNECTIVITIES: blocks[ref_ix][ref_ix] = _compute_connectivity_tmat(self.adata[ref_mask], **conn_kwargs) elif isinstance(self_transitions, tuple): verbosity = settings.verbosity try: # ignore overly verbose logging settings.verbosity = 0 for (src, tgt), coupling in couplings.items(): # fmt: off if src not in self_transitions: continue src_ix, tgt_ix = self._time_to_ix[src], self._time_to_ix[tgt] blocks[src_ix][src_ix] = conn_weight * _compute_connectivity_tmat( self.adata[coupling.obs_names], **conn_kwargs ) blocks[src_ix][tgt_ix] = (1 - conn_weight) * _normalize(blocks[src_ix][tgt_ix]) # fmt: on blocks[ref_ix][ref_ix] = _compute_connectivity_tmat(self.adata[ref_mask], **conn_kwargs) finally: settings.verbosity = verbosity else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Self transitions' mode `{self_transitions}` is not yet implemented.") index = [] for ix in range(len(blocks)): index.extend(obs_names[ix]) tmp = AnnData(sp.bmat(blocks, format="csr")) tmp.obs_names = index tmp.var_names = index tmp = tmp[self.adata.obs_names, :][:, self.adata.obs_names] obs = pd.concat([obs.get(ix) for ix in range(len(blocks))]) tmp.obs = pd.merge( tmp.obs, obs, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left", ) return tmp @d.get_sections(base="tmk_thresh", sections=["Parameters"]) def _sparsify_couplings( self, couplings: dict[Key_t, AnnData], threshold: Threshold_t, copy: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Mapping[Key_t, AnnData]]: """Remove small non-zero values from :attr:`transition_matrix`. .. warning:: Only dense :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.X` will be sparsified. Parameters ---------- couplings Optimal transport couplings to sparsify. threshold How to remove small non-zero values from the transition matrix. Valid options are: - ``'auto'`` - find the maximum threshold value which will not remove every non-zero value from any row. - ``'auto_local'`` - same as above, but done for each transport separately. - :class:`float` - value in :math:`[0, 100]` corresponding to a percentage of non-zeros to remove in the couplings. Rows where all values are removed will have a uniform distribution and a warning will be issued. copy Whether to return a copy of the ``couplings`` or modify in-place. Returns ------- If ``copy = True``, returns sparsified couplings. Otherwise, modifies ``couplings`` in-place. """ if threshold == "auto": thresh = min(adata.X[i].max() for adata in couplings.values() for i in range(adata.n_obs))"Using automatic `threshold={thresh}`") elif threshold == "auto_local":"Using automatic `threshold` for each coupling separately") elif not (0 <= threshold <= 100): raise ValueError(f"Expected `threshold` to be in `[0, 100]`, found `{threshold}`.`") for key, adata in couplings.items(): if sp.issparse(adata.X): continue if copy: adata = adata.copy() tmat = adata.X if threshold == "auto_local": thresh = min(tmat[i].max() for i in range(tmat.shape[0])) logg.debug(f"Using `threshold={thresh}` at `{key}`") elif isinstance(threshold, (int, float, np.number)): thresh = np.percentile(, threshold) logg.debug(f"Using `threshold={thresh}` at `{key}`") tmat = sp.csr_matrix(tmat, dtype=tmat.dtype)[ < thresh] = 0.0 tmat.eliminate_zeros() couplings[key] = AnnData(tmat, obs=adata.obs, var=adata.var) return couplings if copy else None def _validate_couplings( self, couplings: Mapping[Key_t, AnnData], ) -> None: """Validate that transport maps conform to various invariants. Parameters ---------- couplings Optimal transport couplings. Returns ------- Possibly reordered transport maps. """ def assert_same(expected: Sequence[Any], actual: Sequence[Any], msg: Optional[str] = None) -> None: try: pd.testing.assert_series_equal( pd.Series(sorted(expected)), pd.Series(sorted(actual)), check_names=False, check_flags=False, check_index=True, ) except AssertionError as e: raise IndexError(msg) from e for (src, tgt), coupling in couplings.items(): src_obs = self.adata.obs_names[self.time == src] tgt_obs = self.adata.obs_names[self.time == tgt] assert_same( src_obs, coupling.obs_names, msg=f"Source observations for `{src, tgt}` don't match with `adata.obs_names`.", ) assert_same( tgt_obs, coupling.var_names, msg=f"Source observations for `{src, tgt}` don't match with `adata.var_names`.", ) for key, coupling in couplings.items(): tmat = coupling.X zeros_mask = np.where(np.asarray(tmat.sum(1)).squeeze() == 0)[0] if np.any(zeros_mask): logg.warning( f"Coupling at `{key}` contains `{len(zeros_mask)}` empty row(s), e.g., due to " f"unbalancedness or 0s in the source marginals. Using uniform distribution" ) tmat[zeros_mask] = np.ones((len(zeros_mask), tmat.shape[1]), dtype=tmat.dtype) / tmat.shape[1] def _coupling_to_adata(self, src: Any, tgt: Any, coupling: Coupling_t) -> AnnData: """Convert the coupling to :class:`~anndata.AnnData`.""" if not isinstance(coupling, AnnData): coupling = AnnData(X=coupling) coupling.obs_names = np.asarray(self.adata.obs_names)[self.time == src] coupling.var_names = np.asarray(self.adata.obs_names)[self.time == tgt] if sp.issparse(coupling.X) and not sp.isspmatrix_csr(coupling.X): coupling.X = coupling.X.tocsr() return coupling def _get_default_coupling( self, couplings: Optional[Mapping[Key_t, Optional[Coupling_t]]], policy: Literal["sequential", "triu"], ) -> tuple[dict[Key_t, Optional[Coupling_t]], Any]: cats = if policy == "sequential": if couplings is None: couplings = {(src, tgt): None for src, tgt in zip(cats[:-1], cats[1:])} reference = sorted(k for ks in couplings for k in ks)[-1] elif policy == "triu": if couplings is None: couplings = {(src, tgt): None for src, tgt in itertools.product(cats, cats) if src < tgt} reference = sorted(k for ks in couplings for k in ks)[-1] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Handling `{policy}` is not yet implemented.") for keys in couplings: for key in keys: if key not in cats: raise ValueError(f"Key `{key}` is not in `{sorted(cats)}`.") return dict(couplings), reference @property def time(self) -> pd.Series: """Experimental time.""" return self._time @property def couplings(self) -> Optional[dict[Key_t, AnnData]]: """Optimal transport couplings.""" return self._couplings @property def obs(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Cell-level metadata.""" return self._obs
def _compute_connectivity_tmat( adata: AnnData, density_normalize: bool = True, **kwargs: Any ) -> Union[np.ndarray, sp.spmatrix]: from cellrank.kernels import ConnectivityKernel sc.pp.neighbors(adata, **kwargs) return ConnectivityKernel(adata).compute_transition_matrix(density_normalize=density_normalize).transition_matrix