Source code for cellrank.kernels.utils._pseudotime_scheme

import abc
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

from cellrank._utils._docs import d
from cellrank._utils._parallelize import parallelize

__all__ = ["HardThresholdScheme", "SoftThresholdScheme", "CustomThresholdScheme"]

[docs] class ThresholdSchemeABC(abc.ABC): """Base class for all connectivity biasing schemes."""
[docs] @d.get_summary(base="pt_scheme") @d.get_sections(base="pt_scheme", sections=["Parameters", "Returns"]) @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, cell_pseudotime: float, neigh_pseudotime: np.ndarray, neigh_conn: np.ndarray, **kwargs: Any, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate biased connections for a given cell. Parameters ---------- cell_pseudotime Pseudotime of the current cell. neigh_pseudotime Array of shape ``(n_neighbors,)`` containing pseudotime of neighbors. neigh_conn Array of shape ``(n_neighbors,)`` containing connectivities of the current cell and its neighbors. Returns ------- Array of shape ``(n_neighbors,)`` containing the biased connectivities. """
def _bias_knn_helper( self, ixs: np.ndarray, conn: sp.csr_matrix, pseudotime: np.ndarray, queue=None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: i, indices, indptr, data = 0, [], [], [] for i in ixs: row = conn[i] biased_row = self(pseudotime[i], pseudotime[row.indices],, **kwargs) if np.shape(biased_row) != raise ValueError(f"Expected row of shape `{}`, found `{np.shape(biased_row)}`.") data.extend(biased_row) indices.extend(row.indices) indptr.append(conn.indptr[i]) if queue is not None: queue.put(1) if i == conn.shape[0] - 1: indptr.append(conn.indptr[-1]) if queue is not None: queue.put(None) return np.array(data), np.array(indices), np.array(indptr)
[docs] @d.dedent def bias_knn( self, conn: sp.csr_matrix, pseudotime: np.ndarray, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, backend: str = "loky", show_progress_bar: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> sp.csr_matrix: """Bias cell-cell connectivities of a KNN graph. Parameters ---------- conn Sparse matrix of shape ``(n_cells, n_cells)`` containing the nearest neighbor connectivities. pseudotime Pseudotemporal ordering of cells. %(parallel)s Returns ------- The biased connectivities. """ res = parallelize( self._bias_knn_helper, np.arange(conn.shape[0]), as_array=False, unit="cell", n_jobs=n_jobs, backend=backend, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, )(conn, pseudotime, **kwargs) data, indices, indptr = zip(*res) conn = sp.csr_matrix((np.concatenate(data), np.concatenate(indices), np.concatenate(indptr))) conn.eliminate_zeros() return conn
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self)
[docs] class HardThresholdScheme(ThresholdSchemeABC): """Thresholding scheme inspired by *Palantir* :cite:`setty:19`. Note that this won't exactly reproduce the original *Palantir* results: - *Palantir* computes the kNN graph in a scaled space of diffusion components. - *Palantir* uses its own pseudotime to bias the kNN graph which is not implemented here. - *Palantir* uses a slightly different mechanism to ensure the graph remains connected when removing edges that point into the "pseudotime past". """
[docs] @d.dedent def __call__( self, cell_pseudotime: float, neigh_pseudotime: np.ndarray, neigh_conn: np.ndarray, frac_to_keep: float = 0.3, ) -> np.ndarray: """Convert the undirected graph of cell-cell similarities into a directed one by removing "past" edges. This uses a pseudotemporal measure to remove graph-edges that point into the pseudotime-past. For each cell, it keeps the closest neighbors, even if they are in the pseudotime past, to make sure the graph remains connected. Parameters ---------- %(pt_scheme.parameters)s frac_to_keep The ``frac_to_keep`` * n_neighbors closest neighbors (according to graph connectivities) are kept, no matter whether they lie in the pseudotemporal past or future. Must be in :math:`[0, 1]`. Returns ------- %(pt_scheme.returns)s """ if not (0 <= frac_to_keep <= 1): raise ValueError(f"Expected `frac_to_keep` to be in `[0, 1]`, found `{frac_to_keep}`.") k_thresh = max(0, min(30, int(np.floor(len(neigh_conn) * frac_to_keep)))) ixs = np.flip(np.argsort(neigh_conn)) close_ixs, far_ixs = ixs[:k_thresh], ixs[k_thresh:] mask_keep = cell_pseudotime <= neigh_pseudotime[far_ixs] far_ixs_keep = far_ixs[mask_keep] biased_conn = np.zeros_like(neigh_conn) biased_conn[close_ixs] = neigh_conn[close_ixs] biased_conn[far_ixs_keep] = neigh_conn[far_ixs_keep] return biased_conn
[docs] class SoftThresholdScheme(ThresholdSchemeABC): """Thresholding scheme inspired by :cite:`stassen:21`. The idea is to downweight edges that points against the direction of increasing pseudotime. Essentially, the further "behind" a query cell is in pseudotime with respect to the current reference cell, the more penalized will be its graph-connectivity. """
[docs] @d.dedent def __call__( self, cell_pseudotime: float, neigh_pseudotime: np.ndarray, neigh_conn: np.ndarray, b: float = 10.0, nu: float = 0.5, ) -> np.ndarray: """Bias the connectivities by downweighting ones to past cells. This function uses `generalized logistic regression <>`_ to weight the past connectivities. Parameters ---------- %(pt_scheme.parameters)s %(soft_scheme)s Returns ------- %(pt_scheme.returns)s """ past_ixs = np.where(neigh_pseudotime < cell_pseudotime)[0] if not len(past_ixs): return neigh_conn weights = np.ones_like(neigh_conn) dt = cell_pseudotime - neigh_pseudotime[past_ixs] weights[past_ixs] = 2.0 / ((1.0 + np.exp(b * dt)) ** (1.0 / nu)) return neigh_conn * weights
[docs] class CustomThresholdScheme(ThresholdSchemeABC): """Class that wraps a user supplied scheme. Parameters ---------- callback Function which returns the biased connectivities. """ def __init__( self, callback: Callable[[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Any], np.ndarray], ): super().__init__() self._callback = callback
[docs] @d.dedent def __call__( self, cell_pseudotime: float, neigh_pseudotime: np.ndarray, neigh_conn: np.ndarray, **kwargs: Any, ) -> np.ndarray: """%(pt_scheme.summary)s Parameters ---------- %(pt_scheme.parameters)s kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- %(pt_scheme.returns)s """ # noqa: D400 return self._callback(cell_pseudotime, neigh_pseudotime, neigh_conn, **kwargs)