Source code for cellrank.models._gamr_model

import copy
import enum
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as st

from anndata import AnnData

from cellrank._utils._docs import d, inject_docs
from cellrank._utils._enum import ModeEnum
from cellrank.models import BaseModel, FailedModel
from cellrank.models._utils import _OFFSET_KEY, _get_knotlocs, _get_offset

__all__ = ["GAMR"]

# cache so we don't have to re-load
_r_lib = None
_r_lib_name = None

class KnotLocs(ModeEnum):
    AUTO =

[docs] @inject_docs(key=_OFFSET_KEY, kloc=KnotLocs) @d.dedent class GAMR(BaseModel): """Wrapper around R's `mgcv <>`__ package for fitting GAMs. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s n_knots Number of knots. distribution Distribution family in `rpy2.robjects.r`, such as ``'gaussian'`` or ``'nb'`` for negative binomial. If ``'nb'``, raw count data in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.raw` is always used. basis Basis for the smoothing term. See `here <>`__ for valid options. knotlocs Position of the knots. Can be one of the following: - ``{kloc.AUTO!r}`` - let `mgcv` handle the knot positions. - ``{kloc.DENSITY!r}`` - position the knots based on the density of the pseudotime. offset Offset term for the GAM. Only available when ``distribution='nb'``. If `'default'`, it is calculated according to :cite:`robinson:10`. The values are saved in :attr:`adata.obs['{key}'] <anndata.AnnData.obs>`. If :obj:`None`, no offset is used. smoothing_penalty Penalty for the smoothing term. The larger the value, the smoother the fitted curve. kwargs Keyword arguments for `gam control <>`__. """ def __init__( self, adata: AnnData, n_knots: int = 5, distribution: str = "gaussian", basis: str = "cr", knotlocs: Literal["auto", "density"] = KnotLocs.AUTO, offset: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Literal["default"]]] = "default", smoothing_penalty: float = 1.0, **kwargs: Any, ): if n_knots <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Expected `n_splines` to be positive, found `{n_knots}`.") if smoothing_penalty < 0: raise ValueError(f"Expected `smoothing_penalty` to be non-negative, found `{smoothing_penalty}`.") super().__init__(adata, model=None) self._n_knots = n_knots self._family = distribution self._formula = f"y ~ s(x, bs={basis!r}, k={self._n_knots}, sp={smoothing_penalty})" self._design_mat = None self._offset = None self._knotslocs = KnotLocs(knotlocs) self._control_kwargs = copy.copy(kwargs) self._lib = None self._lib_name = None # it's a bit costly to import, copying just passes the reference if kwargs.pop("perform_import_check", True): self._lib, self._lib_name = _maybe_import_r_lib("mgcv") if distribution == "nb" and offset is not None: if not isinstance(offset, (np.ndarray, str)): raise TypeError( f"Expected `offset` to be either `'default'` or `numpy.ndarray`," f"got `{type(offset).__name__}`." ) if isinstance(offset, str): if offset != "default": raise ValueError("Only value `'default'` is allowed when `offset` is a string.") offset = _get_offset(adata, use_raw=True, recompute=False) offset = np.asarray(offset, dtype=self._dtype) if offset.shape != (adata.n_obs,): raise ValueError(f"Expected offset to be of shape `{(adata.n_obs,)}`, found `{offset.shape}`.") adata.obs[_OFFSET_KEY] = offset self._formula += " + offset(offset)" self._offset = offset
[docs] @d.dedent def prepare( self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "GAMR": """%(base_model_prepare.full_desc)s This also removes the zero and negative weights and prepares the design matrix. Parameters ---------- %(base_model_prepare.parameters)s Returns ------- %(base_model_prepare.returns)s """ # noqa if self._family == "nb": kwargs["use_raw"] = True prepared = super().prepare(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(prepared, FailedModel): return prepared use_ixs = self.w > 0 self._x = self.x[use_ixs] self._y = self.y[use_ixs] self._w = self.w[use_ixs] self._design_mat = pd.DataFrame( np.c_[self.x, self.y], columns=["x", "y"], ) if self._offset is not None: mask = np.isin(self.adata.obs_names, self._obs_names[use_ixs]) self._design_mat["offset"] = self._offset[mask] return self
[docs] @d.dedent def fit( self, x: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, w: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "GAMR": """%(base_model_fit.full_desc)s Parameters ---------- %(base_model_fit.parameters)s Returns ------- Fits the model and returns self. Updates the following fields by filtering out :math:`0` weights :attr:`w`: - :attr:`x` - %(base_model_x.summary)s - :attr:`y` - %(base_model_y.summary)s - :attr:`w` - %(base_model_w.summary)s """ # noqa import rpy2.robjects as ro from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter super().fit(x, y, w, **kwargs) # order seems to matter, pandas2ri + default_converter results in: # Conversion 'py2rpy' not defined for objects of type '<class 'rpy2.rlike.container.OrdDict'>' with localconverter(pandas2ri.converter + ro.default_converter): family = getattr(ro.r, self._family) kwargs = {} if self._knotslocs != KnotLocs.AUTO: kwargs["knots"] = pd.DataFrame( _get_knotlocs( self.x, self._n_knots, uniform=False, ), columns=["x"], ) self._model = self._lib.gam( ro.Formula(self._formula), data=self._design_mat, family=family, weights=pd.Series(self.w), control=self._lib.gam_control(**self._control_kwargs), **kwargs, ) return self
def _get_x_test(self, x_test: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, key_added: str = "_x_test") -> pd.DataFrame: newdata = pd.DataFrame(self._check(key_added, x_test), columns=["x"]) if "offset" in self._design_mat: newdata["offset"] = np.mean(self._design_mat["offset"]) return newdata
[docs] @d.dedent def predict( self, x_test: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, key_added: str = "_x_test", level: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """%(base_model_predict.full_desc)s This method can also compute the confidence interval. Parameters ---------- %(base_model_predict.parameters)s level Confidence level for confidence interval calculation. If :obj:`None`, don't compute the confidence interval. Must be in :math:`[0, 1]`. Returns ------- %(base_model_predict.returns)s """ # noqa import rpy2.robjects as ro from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter if self.model is None: raise RuntimeError("Trying to call an uninitialized model. To initialize it, run `.fit()` first.") if self._lib is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to run prediction, R package `{self._lib_name!r}` is not imported.") if level is not None and not (0 <= level <= 1): raise ValueError(f"Expected the confidence level to be in interval `[0, 1]`, found `{level}`.") newdata = self._get_x_test(x_test) with localconverter(pandas2ri.converter + ro.default_converter): res = ro.r.predict( self.model, newdata=ro.pandas2ri.py2rpy(newdata), type="response", se=level is not None, ) if level is None: self._y_test = np.array(res).squeeze().astype(self._dtype) else: self._y_test = np.array(res.rx2("fit")).squeeze().astype(self._dtype) se = np.array(res.rx2("")).squeeze().astype(self._dtype) level = st.norm.ppf(level + (1 - level) / 2) self._conf_int = np.c_[self.y_test - level * se, self.y_test + level * se] return self.y_test
[docs] @d.dedent def confidence_interval(self, x_test: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, level: float = 0.95, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """%(base_model_ci.summary)s Internally, this method calls :meth:`~cellrank.models.GAMR.predict` to extract the confidence interval, if needed. Parameters ---------- %(base_model_ci.parameters)s level Confidence level. Returns ------- %(base_model_ci.returns)s """ # noqa # this is 2x as fast as opposed to calling `robjects.r.predict` again # on my PC (Michal): # -`.predict` take ~6.5ms (without se=True, it's ~5.5ms, 20% slowdown) # -`.predict` withouty se=True + `.confidence_interval` take ~12ms # this impl. achieves the 2x speedup withouty sacrificing the 20% if x_test is not None or level != 0.95 or self._conf_int is None: _ = self.predict(x_test=x_test, level=level) return self._conf_int
def _deepcopy_attributes(self, dst: "GAMR") -> None: super()._deepcopy_attributes(dst) dst._offset = copy.deepcopy(self._offset) dst._design_mat = copy.deepcopy(self._design_mat)
[docs] @d.dedent def copy(self) -> "GAMR": """%(copy)s""" # noqa res = GAMR( self.adata, self._n_knots, distribution=self._family, offset=self._offset, knotlocs=self._knotslocs, perform_import_check=False, ) self._shallowcopy_attributes(res) # does not copy `prepared`, since we're not copying the arrays res._formula = self._formula # we don't save the basis inside res._design_mat = self._design_mat res._offset = self._offset res._lib = self._lib # just passing the reference res._lib_name = self._lib_name res._control_kwargs = self._control_kwargs return res
def __getstate__(self) -> dict: return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k != "_lib"} def __setstate__(self, state: dict): self.__dict__ = state self._lib, self._lib_name = _maybe_import_r_lib(self._lib_name, raise_exc=True)
def _maybe_import_r_lib(name: str, raise_exc: bool = False) -> Tuple[Optional[Any], Optional[str]]: global _r_lib, _r_lib_name if name == _r_lib_name and _r_lib is not None: return _r_lib, _r_lib_name try: from logging import ERROR from rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks import logger from rpy2.robjects import r from rpy2.robjects.packages import PackageNotInstalledError, importr logger.setLevel(ERROR) r["options"](warn=-1) except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("Unable to import `rpy2`, install it first as `pip install rpy2` version `>=3.3.0`.") from e try: _r_lib = importr(name) _r_lib_name = name return _r_lib, _r_lib_name except PackageNotInstalledError as e: if not raise_exc: return None, None raise RuntimeError(f"Install R library `{name!r}` first as `install.packages({name!r}).`") from e